Policy & Resources
Committee                                                      Agenda Item 140
Date of meeting 16 March 2023




Carbon Neutral 2030 Programme – Carbon Neutral Fund Update

That the relevant changes are made to the recommendations as shown below in strikethrough and bold italics:


That the Policy & Resources Committee:

(i)            That Committee notes the three priorities of the Carbon Neutral Fund as set out in the high level 22-23 and 23-24 work programme included in the July 2022 P&R Committee report, namely carbon reduction, biodiversity enhancement and climate change adaptation.


(ii)          That Committee notes the 9836.5 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) forecast GHG savings reported in Appendix 1 for the 23 carbon-reduction projects, plus one climate change adaptation project, in receipt of funding from the 2022-24 Carbon Neutral Fund.


(iii)        That the committee notes the amendment agreed at Budget Council regarding the Carbon Neutral Funding regarding Liveable neighbourhoods, including funding for the Tarner and Hanover LTN and agrees in principle to £1m being used for the Hanover and Tarner Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme subject to an Officer report to a future Policy & Resources Committee to comply with Financial Procedures.



Proposed by: Cllr Gibson                                    Seconded by: Cllr Druitt


Recommendations to read if carried:

That the Policy & Resources Committee:

(i)            That Committee notes the three priorities of the Carbon Neutral Fund as set out in the high level 22-23 and 23-24 work programme included in the July 2022 P&R Committee report, namely carbon reduction, biodiversity enhancement and climate change adaptation.


(ii)          That Committee notes the 9836.5 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) forecast GHG savings reported in Appendix 1 for the 23 carbon-reduction projects, plus one climate change adaptation project, in receipt of funding from the 2022-24 Carbon Neutral Fund.


(iii)         That the committee notes the amendment agreed at Budget Council regarding the Carbon Neutral Funding regarding Liveable neighbourhoods, including funding for the Tarner and Hanover LTN and agrees in principle to £1m being used for the Hanover and Tarner Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme subject to an Officer report to a future Policy & Resources Committee to comply with Financial Procedures.